dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


olot is a very little city .
In olot there are a lot of mountins and volcanos.
there aren't a lot of taxis.
IN new york there are a much taxis.
casinos and cienemas.


OLOT es una ciutat molt petita, pero amb moltes zones verdes.

té moltes muntanyes , pero no hi ha gaires oficines com NEW YORK.

A olot no hi ha gaires TAXIS.

Encanvi NEW YORK es un ciutat molt gran , on sempre hi ha famoso.

hi ha llocs de diversió ( casino,cinema, pasarelas etc.)

a mi m'agradaria molt viure a NEW YORK perque es molt divertit i no crec que m'aburriria.

es un lloc on la majoria de les persones son NEGRES i els relacionen amb els BLANCS.

aquesta es un exemplar :



divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2008



A non-governmental organization (both singular and plural NGOs) is an entity of a private nature, purpose and social and humanitarian goals set by its members, created independently of local governments, regional and national as well as international agencies . Legally adopts different status, such as an association, foundation, corporation, cooperative, among other ways. To the whole sector comprising NGOs is called in different forms, such as voluntary sector, non-profit sector, sector solidarity, social economy and social nonprofit sector.

Its membership is composed of volunteers. Internally may have a low or high degree of organization. The financing of activities, usually comes from various sources: private individuals, states, international agencies, businesses, other NGOs, and so on.

NGOs have as action radius from a local to an international level. They cover a wide range of topics and areas that define their work and development. These topics are linked to humanitarian aid, public health, research, economic development, human development, culture, human rights, technology transfer, ecology, etc..

Do not try to replace the actions of States or international organizations in their countries but to cover and assist in those areas in which there are no social or economic policy, or if these policies are unsatisfactory for some groups in society. They also allege violations by governments, corruption and abuse.


Hello !
I'm Ami Tunkara.I'm 15 years old, I live in Olot with my family.
I have a brother, and we are 3 sisters .
I study in IES Bosc de la coma in Olot.
My hobbies are : Play computer games , swimming , read books ,etc...
but I hate play tennis and study geography.

ok bye bye friends !